NULLSEC LOWSEC SOLO Ratting in capital ships with fighters. Smart target locking, fighters management, and anomaly filtering. Ship safety and neutral detection. - kill NPC ships in anomalies. - kill targets which scramble or emit any other effect on a ship. - filter anomalies by type and name (configurable). - align warp bookmark. - repair shield, armor and structure when needed. - refill fighters at station from container. - refill ammo at station from container. - repair ship and fighters at station. - use fighters for killing NPC. - create bookmark at the end of anomaly clearing (optional). - save fighters by returning them into Fighters Bay when they are damaged. - launch healthy fighters to replace damaged ones. - run away if neutral detected (optional). - run away if carrier ship in grid detected (optional). - run away if shield is lower than X% (optional). - run away if armor is lower than X% (optional). - run away if structure is lower than X% (optional). - warp to next anomaly if player exists at current one (optional). - sound notification about important actions (neutral detected, shield, armor, structure lower than X%, not enough drones, etc). - closing all appeared dialog windows such as "Information", "Fleet Join", "Private Conversation" and other. - dock if no anomalies to warp to. - dock if server is going to shutdown in 5 minutes. Required shortcuts CTRL + Left Mouse Click - Lock target. ALT + P - open Probe Scanner window. CTRL + R - reload guns. SHIFT + R - return drones to bay. L - open Locations window. Required for neutral detection 1. Local chat is opened. 2. Local chat players list is in "Compact" mode. 3. Expand local chat window vertically as much as possible (because it works only if neutral is visible in the list). 4. Add yourself to "Neutrals Ignore List".

Name Type Default

Bookmark name. Bot aligns to this bookmark and uses to warp to as a save spot. Ideally it should be point in space nearby to a station.

Bookmark name. Bot docks ship to this bookmark. It should be a station. If you don't want ship to dock use 'IGNORE'.

Overview Tab name that contains only NPCs (red icons). Recommended to order list by "Size" column and to remove everything except NPCs.

Overview Tab name that contains only Players. Required to have "Name" column, you can disable others. Recommended to keep each Overview Tab in a dedicated Overview window.

Check for any neutrals. If the property is activated, bot runs away when neutral detected. Neutral should be visible in local chat. If you have a lot people in local chat and neutrals is out of the screen - it won't work.

Check neutral in grid (nearby). Don't use it in normal solar systems. This one is designed for Wormholes. Because in wormholes there is no visible list of player in Local chat. Reduces performance when many players exist in Local chat and many targets are in Overview in the same time.

List of neutrals to ignore. Need to add yourself at least. To add multiple characters use comma for separate them.

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Amount of targets to lock. Bot always trying to have this amount of locked targets for each moment of time. Locks only red enemies (NPCs)

Lock range of your ship. Ex: 30000 Ex: 30 km Ex: 30000 m

Maximum distance of NPC vision in Overview. Bot won't see any NPC at biger proximity. The distance is in meters. You may use "500km" or "500000".

The amount of Fighters per single squadron [5-9]. Make sure you are using the same fighters in all squadrons.

Health value at which bot recals fighters back to bay [1 - 100]

Filter anomalies by substring or substrings separate by comma. Ex: Haven, Sanctum

Check for another player existance at an anomly after warp. Warp to the next anomlay one if a player exists.

List of players that bot ignores when arrived to an anomaly. If nobody else at the anomaly, bot starts to fight. Separate player names by a comma.

If True, bot warps to a random filtered anomaly. If False, bot warps to the first filtered anomaly.

0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70 or 100 - distance in km for warping onto Combat Site

Slots of your weapons Ex: HighSlot1,HighSlot2

Range of the weapons. Ex: 9 km

Slots which should be always active Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2

Slots which should be always active if ship it not in warp. This option just activates slots and won't deactivate them if ship is in warp. Is useful for Afterburner (AB) and Micro Warp Drive modules (MWD). Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2

Activate slots if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Activate slots if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Activate slots if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Slots which should be enabled after activation of warp drive Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2

Slots which should be disabled after activation of warp drive Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2

Name of the container at station with ammo which should be moved to a ship hangar. Let it be empty to ignore.

Name of the container at station with Fighters which should be moved to a ship's Fighter Bay. Let it be empty to ignore.

When ship is docked and neutral had been detected, bot wait extra time before undock and continue to work.

Amount of ticks that bot is waiting for the NPCs arriving. 10 is a normal value for the property.

Create bookmark at an anomaly after killing the last NPC. Useful for a Salvager bot to monitor bookmarks and salvage wrecks out there.

If you need to run the bot a limited time, this is an option for that. Time should be in milliseconds (3600000 milliseconds = 1 hour). If you need to execute the bot just for a 3 hours the value should be 10800000 (this is equals to 3600000 * 3)

No outputs

ID f8ca3f1e-9bf8-48c1-8398-553bbd9512be
Pro Yes
Status Public - visible for everyone
Downloads 195
./EVE-Master node download f8ca3f1e-9bf8-48c1-8398-553bbd9512be
Create PlayConfig
./EVE-Master playconfig create BOTCapitalRattingCombatSiteAnomalies f8ca3f1e-9bf8-48c1-8398-553bbd9512be
./EVE-Master playconfig play BOTCapitalRattingCombatSiteAnomalies

Internal nodes - 59

Count Node ID (version) Node Title (version) Status Pro
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.message (v.0)
root.message (v.0)
Public No
9 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.2) Message Alert Last Error (v.2) Public No
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public No
root.voice.async (v.0)
root.voice.async (v.0)
Public No
root.delay.random (v.0)
root.delay.random (v.0)
Public No
4 5401a14a-f22e-45d2-8836-4155c1e849fd (v.46) Bookmark Click Context Menu Button by Name (v.46) Public Yes
root.delay (v.0)
root.delay (v.0)
Public No
3 c4de2fac-3564-4074-8952-8c5c4e320503 (v.14) Wait while ship indicator (v.14) Public Yes
3 f2b8328e-be7e-4fad-988d-1f84c79f8cbc (v.8) Return all Squadrones (Hotkey) (v.8) Public Yes
2 370ab72d-7fda-43cb-af6c-7cd1cd0182ab (v.2) Wait up to N tries (v.2) Public No
root.message.alert (v.0)
root.message.alert (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.trim (v.0)
root.math.string.trim (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.string (v.0)
root.variable.string (v.0)
Public No
2 d0b615c6-34ff-4138-ac67-91ef5554518a (v.2) String not Empty (flow) (v.2) Public No
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
Public No
2 764167b3-04c8-42ce-a9e5-f27110bc58ce (v.11) Is ship indicator contains (v.11) Public No
2 e95df6e4-b748-4437-91eb-cf04862e10a6 (v.11) Validate Bookmark Existance (v.11) Public Yes
2 608a3cce-5df7-4975-b19d-0aaea1be8f84 (v.6) Activate / Deactivate slots in Warp by name (v.6) Public Yes
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
1 b61a89bb-ef13-4375-8cf2-efdf330a27ec (v.0) Close Neocom (v.0) Public Yes
1 cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.4) Is Docked (v.4) Public No
1 47b2c2d9-ab58-4ef8-b98f-9216d87dce58 (v.10) Is in capsule (flow) (v.10) Public Yes
1 c4e2f523-9de4-465d-8f6c-c147e1cd088d (v.3) Integer Equals (flow) (v.3) Public No
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
Public No
1 85ceb80b-1e20-4e9a-9e73-ffff6f4f8d9b (v.3) Overview - Filter Targets by icon Color - RED (v.3) Public No
1 c701b482-803c-457a-9934-cb2c50208b76 (v.0) Overview - Filter Targets by Enabled / Alive (v.0) Public No
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
Public No
1 (v.0) (v.0)
Public No
1 0dcfb033-d2b2-4bd1-bd54-889aa0675b19 (v.1) Message Alert If Windows Stack is detected (v.1) Public No
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.length (v.0)
root.math.string.length (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
Public No
1 6493b7ee-ae46-411e-9d95-aeacb81a8c3c (v.18) Close Dialogs Pack (v.18) Public Yes
1 79f080f8-eeb6-44c8-b489-b84f083ba210 (v.26) Overview - Filter Targets by Distance (v.26) Public No
root.variable.local.get.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.ui (v.0)
Public No
1 a0202498-4b1e-4f6c-93ac-1e39b413fd24 (v.2) String Empty (flow) (v.2) Public No
1 4c8288c2-2bb7-4f52-8752-12406f313a92 (v.5) Execution time reached (flow) (v.5) Public No
1 84008491-ee8c-4758-8ab5-364155f79662 (v.6) UI.FindArray Overview List Items in Tab by name (v.6) Public Yes
1 24ed3de6-2381-4243-8a14-8e017dd5bfb8 (v.3) Create Bookmark in a Folder (v.3) Public Yes
1 0e1f6d8a-4548-4513-b757-87f592d835c3 (v.10) Activate Slots when Shield, Armor or Structure (v.10) Public Yes
1 acbe4315-ec10-43d2-bd6e-03da11297a5d (v.90) Triggers Pack (v.90) Public Yes
1 6f201505-05b5-484c-9d08-5155722585aa (v.62) Universal behaviour at station (v.62) Public Yes
1 a9e2ea43-46b8-4104-85b5-7c522a9ab4eb (v.23) Overview Columns Setup (Default) (v.23) Public Yes
1 f90c2495-1ac5-4c17-bdb4-55c1eee72603 (v.0) String Equals (flow) (v.0) Public No
1 b284f0e3-3b9f-4f11-a96b-baf967424bf1 (v.3) Module - In Space Preparation (v.3) Public Yes
1 643af822-87ee-4d40-9fa5-47e713a3a701 (v.15) Module - In Space Preparation (Fighters) (v.15) Public Yes
1 5aed7576-46d5-465a-99e1-64332b182ce8 (v.35) Module - Warp to Anomaly / Warp to save spot (v.35) Public Yes
1 07fbeb33-e08f-4255-a7e5-93b0427dfc90 (v.27) Module - Kill Everything (Fighters) (v.27) Public Yes