NULLSEC LOWSEC HIGHSEC FLEET Warp to anchor player. Approach anchor. Mining everything in range. Put ore into anchor Fleet Hangar if anchor exists in other case warp to a station and put it there. Can use bookmarks. - repair ship - undock - add Anchor Player to Watchlist - warp to the closest Anchor Player in Watchlist - approach Anchor Player using Watchlist - open Anchor Fleet Hangar using Overview - run away if neutral deteced and dock to station/structure - run away if shield is low and dock to station/structure - move mined ore from ship to Anchor Fleet Hangar if it exists - warp to a station and put ore there if Anchor Fleet Hangar doesn't exist - use up to 3 commands (warp to bookmark two times, dock) - repeat from the begining Required 1. Overview with visble Asteroids to mine 2. Overview with visble NPCs 3. Overview with visble Fleet Members 4. Overview sorted by distance 5. Fleet chat opened with visible Anchor Player in the list of chat members 5. Visible Drones window in space 6. Expanded Drones In Space list. Each drone in space should be visible in the list in the drone window Go Safe commands Go Safe command 1, 2 and 3 - that is queue of commands. Can be used in different scenarios. Scenario 1 You just need to dock a station when any danger situation triggered. You should put in any of three commands the path to your station with Dock command in the end. Ex: Structures/Refinery/STATION NAME/Dock Ex: Structures/STATION NAME/Dock Scenario 2 You have insta dock bookmark at your station, and want warp to it first before dock. Go Safe command 1 = Locations/BOOKMARK NAME/Warp to Location Within 0 Go Safe command 2 = Structures/STATION NAME/Dock Scenario 3 You have insta dock bookmark and safe spot somewhere in space. You want to warp to the safe spot first, after that to insta dock bookmark, after that dock. Go Safe command 1 = Locations/BOOKMARK NAME/Warp to Location Within 0 Go Safe command 2 = Locations/BOOKMARK NAME/Warp to Location Within 0 Go Safe command 3 = Structures/STATION NAME/Dock

Name Type Default

Single or sequence of bookmark names separated by a comma. Bot will do a right mouse click on each bookmark in this order and try to Dock first, if the dock button doesn't exist it tries to Warp To. If neither exists throws an error.

Overview Tab name that contains only Asteroids. Should be in a dedicated Overview window.

Overview Tab name that contains only Players. Should be in a dedicated Overview window.

Overview Tab name that contains only NPCs. Should be in a dedicated Overview window.

The name of the ore hangar of your ship. Ex: Ore Hold

Run away if shield is less

Name of the anchor, the bot will warp on it and follow it.

When enabled - the bot will upload resources to the fleet hangar, instead of using 'Go safe' fields.

Compress Ore in cargo hold. Required to have a ship in fleet with activated compressing module that gives the ability to combress specific type of Ore/Ice.

Add yourself at least Separated by comma

Extra time for awaiting in dock after neutral is gone from local chat.

If you want to each Miner Unit bot to mine a dedicated asteroid, that would be a great idea to set unique "Asteroid Offset" per each bot instance. It will allow them lock next asteroid in list from Overview using this offset.

Slots of your mining guns Ex: HighSlot1,HighSlot2

Slots which should be always active Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2

Characters splitted by coma. Do not use spaces! Example: Character1,Character2,Some Name,Other Name

No outputs

ID 6f6c0016-ea25-43f7-a498-d0be519890b1
Pro Yes
Status Public - visible for everyone
Downloads 1
./EVE-Master node download 6f6c0016-ea25-43f7-a498-d0be519890b1
Create PlayConfig
./EVE-Master playconfig create Purachota 6f6c0016-ea25-43f7-a498-d0be519890b1
./EVE-Master playconfig play Purachota

Internal nodes - 81

Count Node ID (version) Node Title (version) Status Pro
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public No
22 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.2) Message Alert Last Error (v.2) Public No
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public No
root.message (v.0)
root.message (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.delay (v.0)
root.delay (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.voice.async (v.0)
root.voice.async (v.0)
Public No
root.delay.random (v.0)
root.delay.random (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
4 6d9c06d7-69ef-48ef-b8a0-d8335588fd55 (v.37) Overview - Get targets by Text + Range <color=red>DEPRECATED</color> (v.37) Public Yes
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
Public No
3 (v.0) (v.0)
Public No
3 5dcb4be2-77a0-4708-878a-f6943010d4dc (v.0) Message Last Error (v.0) Public No
3 4f770117-d13b-440d-9669-cb009600b8ab (v.13) Activate slots by name (v.13) Public Yes
3 623ad130-f7c7-4f55-b6fa-1c8454d2e2ed (v.11) Deactivate slots by name (v.11) Public Yes
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
Public No
2 (v.0) (v.0)
Public Yes
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.delete.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.delete.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
2 5f5e8d04-12e0-424f-8a41-8989a1653bde (v.1) String Split+Trim (v.1) Public No
root.ui.get.child (v.0)
root.ui.get.child (v.0)
Public No
2 e97623fb-0a4c-4632-8718-5eca205f9834 (v.4) Integer More (flow) (v.4) Public No
2 d61e882d-8c05-44e8-95ab-00588ad04241 (v.7) Overview - Lock first target (v.7) Public Yes
2 6493b7ee-ae46-411e-9d95-aeacb81a8c3c (v.18) Close Dialogs Pack (v.18) Public Yes
2 96aebba2-c1c6-42f5-8bc0-1a4b023837de (v.23) Return all Drones (Hotkey) (v.23) Public Yes
2 e8e72736-0c06-49fb-a0a4-75b145ca716b (v.40) Click context menu item (by name) (v.40) Public Yes
2 3e97f0a5-6ca0-4f1c-b09f-b4a83b976603 (v.12) Drones - Assist to (Watchlist) (v.12) Public Yes
2 2c3258ab-1e78-40d8-bb6d-a1f7bfd0119d (v.32) Launch all drones if less than (v.32) Public Yes
2 89134429-e6df-4abe-be57-9f486b155c9e (v.32) Watch List - Approach member (v.32) Public Yes
2 84008491-ee8c-4758-8ab5-364155f79662 (v.6) UI.FindArray Overview List Items in Tab by name (v.6) Public Yes
2 787aeac9-0ab3-486d-8739-385fc06bcc78 (v.5) Overview - Filter Targets by Text (v.5) Public No
2 a78c5f95-f793-4b11-9205-d08be704ab42 (v.14) Is Any Character in System (v.14) Public No
2 5f2522fd-9d8b-4f1b-9f40-717b700e2451 (v.39) Is neutral in system (v.39) Public Yes
2 a192634e-c742-4101-b308-494b46654ae4 (v.53) Inventory - cargo move (v.53) Public Yes
2 b499e76d-adae-4e80-b00e-37361d14dbf5 (v.36) Bookmarks Sequence Dock / Warp (v.36) Public Yes
root.keyboard (v.0)
root.keyboard (v.0)
Public Yes
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public No
1 b61a89bb-ef13-4375-8cf2-efdf330a27ec (v.0) Close Neocom (v.0) Public Yes
1 6612b24e-ba20-4cb4-bb9a-ffa196c37a94 (v.1) Get inventory hangar status (v.1) Public No
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
Public No
1 00b936fe-9f6b-4b2a-8f3a-4097f052b63a (v.2) Inventory Window - Expand current ship hangars (v.2) Public Yes
root.math.bigint.add (v.0)
root.math.bigint.add (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
Public No
1 c1d4cc53-2aa9-455f-80c1-6465709f6abd (v.1) Is server shutdown in 5m (v.1) Public No
root.math.string.concat5 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat5 (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bool.equals (v.0)
root.math.bool.equals (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
Public No
1 370ab72d-7fda-43cb-af6c-7cd1cd0182ab (v.2) Wait up to N tries (v.2) Public No
1 cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.4) Is Docked (v.4) Public No
1 0ab4b214-35b5-4b8b-87a6-77f64bfe0b87 (v.16) Undock (v.16) Public Yes
1 cdf56bde-8060-478d-88f7-4c4dbf21cd33 (v.18) Get cargo capacity (v.18) Public No
1 0dcfb033-d2b2-4bd1-bd54-889aa0675b19 (v.1) Message Alert If Windows Stack is detected (v.1) Public No
1 1f734ef7-ef34-4584-b1d1-1b20ba27d75a (v.4) Wait while Guests Player List Contains Player (v.4) Public Yes
1 4bbe34a2-f656-46c6-b9b4-81fad3ad0360 (v.0) Overview - Click on the first target (v.0) Public Yes
1 0228ace3-aed5-4352-84bf-e6a1705431e9 (v.0) Integer Less (flow) (v.0) Public No
1 (v.0) (v.0)
Public No
1 6ea051a2-675c-4dad-b97f-d922aac85b3c (v.5) UI.Find InBar Targets (v.5) Public No
root.math.bigint.minus (v.0)
root.math.bigint.minus (v.0)
Public No
1 764167b3-04c8-42ce-a9e5-f27110bc58ce (v.11) Is ship indicator contains (v.11) Public No
1 88b0b7dd-7d71-416e-9207-423fab24bb56 (v.18) InBar Targets - Filter by Text (v.18) Public No
1 a54255f5-5f9f-46b1-924b-38fd6eb7b9d9 (v.17) Drones Reconnect (v.17) Public Yes
1 cf8720ad-f123-4782-9feb-86a562c4fed5 (v.36) Return all damaged drones (v.36) Public Yes
1 d9ca7f41-6fe5-44cb-ade2-becd98dfa6cf (v.2) InBar Target - Get Info (v.2) Public No
root.variable.string (v.0)
root.variable.string (v.0)
Public No
1 c4de2fac-3564-4074-8952-8c5c4e320503 (v.16) Wait while ship indicator (v.16) Public Yes
1 279c5a54-c033-4d21-9011-de443e5dd4db (v.21) Inventory Compress Ore (v.21) Public Yes
1 c44042a3-2e2f-4ef0-bab1-23eb38ff6111 (v.32) Launch health drones if less than (v.32) Public Yes
1 65d22193-b07e-47c5-9d9e-ff285df0bdc6 (v.15) Open Inventory Window (v.15) Public Yes
1 9e96e752-add3-4569-a477-c4ffc1676296 (v.13) Inventory open hangar by name (v.13) Public Yes
1 8ecef54b-fc07-4329-8a46-10454d31a2ad (v.45) Repair ship (docked) (v.45) Public Yes
1 acbe4315-ec10-43d2-bd6e-03da11297a5d (v.100) Triggers Pack (v.100) Public Yes
1 68a97990-36c1-4f5b-8b2e-f431f1c43559 (v.7) Validate Bookmarks Existance (v.7) Public Yes
1 373f26c4-09b1-4635-a272-d44aa2453731 (v.46) Overview - Lock Targets Array (v.46) Public Yes
1 87dbb3a8-b84c-4846-ad67-ee63b2bc3e0d (v.1) Overview - Lock first target (copy) (v.1) Public Yes