Bunch of helpful triggers which you may optionally enable or disable using properties. INPUTS Rescan - if enabled, rescan EVE UI Elements Shield Limit - minimum value of shild [0-100] Armor Limit - minimum value of armor [0-100] Structure Limit - minimum value of structure [0-100] Cargo Fulness Percent - if enabled, rescan EVE UI Elements Server Shutdown - is EVE server going to shutdown in 5 minutes Check Neutrals Local - trigger if neutral detected in local chat. WORKS ONLY WITH VISIBLE NEUTRALS ON SCREEN Check Neutrals Grid - trigger if neutral detected in grid (in the Overview window) WORKS ONLY WITH VISIBLE NEUTRALS IN OVERVIEW NPC Carrier in Grid - trigger if ship of Carrier type detected in Overview WORKS ONLY WITH VISIBLE NPC IN OVERVIEW Players Limit - triggers when number of players in local more or equals to the number Players In System - player names separeted by comma (,). Triggered if any of the players detected in local chat OUTPUTS On Triggered - true - triggered, false - not triggered Trigger Reason - string with value of trigger reason, empty if not triggered

Name Type Default

Name Type Default

Internal nodes - 27

Count Node ID (version) Node Title (version) Status Pro
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.string (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.error (v.0)
root.exit.error (v.0)
Public No
4 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.1) Message Alert Last Error (v.1) Public No
root.math.bigint.less (v.0)
root.math.bigint.less (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
Public No
2 bcf29208-b1fd-4cd8-9f0c-eda05b30a45b (v.4) Get UI of first target by Text (v.4) Public No
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public No
2 35b16ddd-1096-4d0a-b414-839392287032 (v.5) Open Chat (v.5) Public Yes
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public No
1 c1d4cc53-2aa9-455f-80c1-6465709f6abd (v.0) Is server shutdown in 5m (v.0) Public No
root.math.bool.or3 (v.0)
root.math.bool.or3 (v.0)
Public No
1 a78c5f95-f793-4b11-9205-d08be704ab42 (v.4) Is Any Character in System (v.4) Public No
1 bad76b2c-cdea-4a4b-ad94-1814561b31b8 (v.11) Shield, Armor, Structure (v.11) Public No
root.ui.scan (v.0)
root.ui.scan (v.0)
Public No
1 cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.1) Is Docked (v.1) Public No
1 5f5e8d04-12e0-424f-8a41-8989a1653bde (v.1) String Split+Trim (v.1) Public No
1 fe66c448-d607-460a-90d0-a373feb156c2 (v.0) Chat - Get Players Count (v.0) Public No
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
Public No
1 5f2522fd-9d8b-4f1b-9f40-717b700e2451 (v.13) Is neutral in system (v.13) Public Yes
1 65d22193-b07e-47c5-9d9e-ff285df0bdc6 (v.6) Open Inventory Window (v.6) Public Yes
1 cdf56bde-8060-478d-88f7-4c4dbf21cd33 (v.11) Get cargo capacity (v.11) Public No