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  • BOT Mining Fleet - Miner Commander [Orca or Porpoise]

NULLSEC LOWSEC HIGHSEC FLEET COMMANDER Warp Fleet to random asteroid belt. Approach closest asteroid. Lock any visible NPC in Overview and activate Target Painter, send drones from all the fleet to attack NPC. Wait for ore in Fleet Hangar, move the ore from Fleet Hangar to Ore Hold and primary ship hangar. When full warp to a station and put ore there. Can use bookmarks. - repair ship - undock - add Anchor Player to Watchlist - warp to the random Asteroid Belt - approach closest Asteroid - stop ship - move ore from Fleet Hangar to Ore Hold and Ship primary hangar - run away if neutral deteced and dock to station/structure - run away if shield is low and dock to station/structure - warp to a station and put ore there if Anchor Fleet Hangar doesn't exist - use up to 3 commands (warp to bookmark two times, dock) - repeat from the begining Required 1. Overview with visble Asteroids to mine 2. Overview with visble NPCs 3. Overview with visble Fleet Members 4. Overview sorted by distance 5. Passive modules should be hidden 6. Fleet Member should be added in Watchlist 7. Fleet chat opened with visible the list of chat members 8. Visible Drones window in space 9. Expanded Drones In Space list. Each drone in space should be visible in the list in the drone window 10. Write all fleet members in the field "Fleet Units" separeted by comma Go Safe bookmarks Go Safe Bookrmarks - that is queue of warp spots. Can be used in different scenarios. Scenario 1 You just need to dock a station when any danger situation triggered. You should create bookmark of your home station, and use the name of the bookmark. Ex: Home Scenario 2 You have insta dock bookmark at your station, and want warp to it first before dock. Ex: Insta Dock, Home Scenario 3 You have insta dock bookmark and safe spot somewhere in space. You want to warp to the safe spot first, after that to insta dock bookmark, after that dock. Ex: Safe Spot, Insta Dock, Home FEATURES - MOVEMENT [DONE] activate and deactivate specific slots before warp [DONE] approach to the closest asteroid for a selected distance [DONE] stop whip movement if the ship is close enough to the closest asteroid [TESTING] when running, warp through save spots [TESTING] run away if neutral detected in lock chat [DONE] use fleet warp instead of normal warp [TESTING] warp to asteroid belts one by one [NOT YET] warp to Ore Site one by one FEATURES - CARGO [DONE] move ore from Fleet Hangar to Ore Hold [BROKEN] move ore from Fleet Hangar to primary ship hangar if Ore Hold is full [DONE] upload ore from Fleet Hangar, Ore Hold and primary ship hangar to a structure/station when docked FEATURES - TARGETING [DONE] lock NPCs [TESTING] ignore specified NPCs [TESTING] lock fleet units for a quick healing [NOT YET] lock neutrals in grid [TESTING] activate Target Painter on any locked target exclude fleet units [NOT YET] activate Stasis Webifier on a locked target exclude fleet units when the target is in range FEATURES - DRONES [DONE] launch drones [DONE] return single drone if damaged [DONE] attack NPCs [NOT YET] attack neutrals [DONE] return if warp is active FEATURES - FLEET [DONE] activate fleet bonuses when ore exist in overview [DONE] deactivate fleet bonuses when ore is not visible [TESTING] add fleet units to watchlist [DONE] heal fleet units if damaged

Name Type Default

List of bookmarks name separated by coma. The bot will warp throught the list of bookmarks until find "Dock" button at any bookmark.

Run away if shield is less

List of neutrals to ignore separated by coma. Add yourself at least.

Ship forces to be no far than the value from the closest asteroid

List of slots which should always be active when possible. Something like Shield Hardener. Leave it empty if you don't have any in your fit Ex: MediumSlot3,MediumSlot4 Ex: MediumSlot1

Leave it empty if you don't have any fleet bonuses in your fit Ex: HighSlot1,HighSlot2,HighSlot3 Ex: HighSlot1

Leave it empty if you don't have Microwarpdrive or Afterburner in your fit Ex: MediumSlot3

Leave it empty if you don't have Target Painter in your fit Ex: MediumSlot3

Leave it empty if you don't have Stasis Webifier in your fit Ex: MediumSlot3

List of slots with Remote Shield Boosters. Leave it empty if you don't have any in your fit Ex: HighSlot3,HighSlot4 Ex: HighSlot1

Nicknames of the character of the fleet (exclude yourself) If you have one Leader and two miners - you should write two their's nicknames in the list there, divided by comma. Ex: Miner1,Miner2

Characters splitted by coma. Do not use spaces! Example: Character1,Character2,Some Name,Other Name

No outputs

ID 73347eef-07e3-41a5-8089-0b13b9744538
Pro Yes
Status Public - visible for everyone
Downloads 697
./EVE-Master node download 73347eef-07e3-41a5-8089-0b13b9744538
Create PlayConfig
./EVE-Master playconfig create BOTMiningFleetMinerCommanderOrcaorPorpoise 73347eef-07e3-41a5-8089-0b13b9744538
./EVE-Master playconfig play BOTMiningFleetMinerCommanderOrcaorPorpoise

Internal nodes - 73

Count Node ID (version) Node Title (version) Status Pro
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.message (v.0)
root.message (v.0)
Public No
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public No
8 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.2) Message Alert Last Error (v.2) Public No
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.delay (v.0)
root.delay (v.0)
Public No
5 a192634e-c742-4101-b308-494b46654ae4 (v.52) Inventory - cargo move (v.52) Public Yes
root.voice.async (v.0)
root.voice.async (v.0)
Public No
4 764167b3-04c8-42ce-a9e5-f27110bc58ce (v.11) Is ship indicator contains (v.11) Public No
4 4f770117-d13b-440d-9669-cb009600b8ab (v.13) Activate slots by name (v.13) Public Yes
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
3 623ad130-f7c7-4f55-b6fa-1c8454d2e2ed (v.11) Deactivate slots by name (v.11) Public Yes
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
Public No
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
root.math.string.concat (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
2 cdf56bde-8060-478d-88f7-4c4dbf21cd33 (v.18) Get cargo capacity (v.18) Public No
2 5f2522fd-9d8b-4f1b-9f40-717b700e2451 (v.39) Is neutral in system (v.39) Public Yes
2 84008491-ee8c-4758-8ab5-364155f79662 (v.6) UI.FindArray Overview List Items in Tab by name (v.6) Public Yes
2 80502473-f1c7-4366-9590-ece80557cd6d (v.27) Overview - Filter Targets by Text and Distance (v.27) Public No
2 79f080f8-eeb6-44c8-b489-b84f083ba210 (v.31) Overview - Filter Targets by Distance (v.31) Public No
root.variable.local.get.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.ui (v.0)
Public No
root.flow.split.upsidedown (v.0)
root.flow.split.upsidedown (v.0)
Public No
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public No
1 b61a89bb-ef13-4375-8cf2-efdf330a27ec (v.0) Close Neocom (v.0) Public Yes
1 d686b432-eafd-4332-8102-56e2ff9eaa40 (v.9) Activate high slots (v.9) Public Yes
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
Public No
root.delay.random (v.0)
root.delay.random (v.0)
Public No
1 00b936fe-9f6b-4b2a-8f3a-4097f052b63a (v.2) Inventory Window - Expand current ship hangars (v.2) Public Yes
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more.or.equal (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
root.math.bool.and (v.0)
Public No
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.equals (v.0)
root.math.bigint.equals (v.0)
Public No
1 5f5e8d04-12e0-424f-8a41-8989a1653bde (v.1) String Split+Trim (v.1) Public No
root.loop.array.string (v.0)
root.loop.array.string (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.math.bigint.add (v.0)
root.math.bigint.add (v.0)
Public No
1 0ee65da2-4343-41f2-a8ad-d02c4af8534c (v.3) Stop ship movement (v.3) Public Yes
1 c1d4cc53-2aa9-455f-80c1-6465709f6abd (v.1) Is server shutdown in 5m (v.1) Public No
root.message.alert (v.0)
root.message.alert (v.0)
Public No
1 cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.4) Is Docked (v.4) Public No
1 0ab4b214-35b5-4b8b-87a6-77f64bfe0b87 (v.16) Undock (v.16) Public Yes
1 bcf29208-b1fd-4cd8-9f0c-eda05b30a45b (v.10) Overview - Find target by Text (v.10) Public No
1 b4ff27dd-cb7c-4fda-adb9-a618d54bcc6f (v.7) Return all drones (Drag and Drop) (v.7) Public Yes
1 93a01dcd-0f56-41a5-b737-4ad5d77b2eac (v.13) Overview Get Targets by color Red (v.13) Public No
1 65d22193-b07e-47c5-9d9e-ff285df0bdc6 (v.14) Open Inventory Window (v.14) Public Yes
1 88b0b7dd-7d71-416e-9207-423fab24bb56 (v.18) InBar Targets - Filter by Text (v.18) Public No
1 c4de2fac-3564-4074-8952-8c5c4e320503 (v.16) Wait while ship indicator (v.16) Public Yes
1 6493b7ee-ae46-411e-9d95-aeacb81a8c3c (v.18) Close Dialogs Pack (v.18) Public Yes
1 e8e72736-0c06-49fb-a0a4-75b145ca716b (v.40) Click context menu item (by name) (v.40) Public Yes
1 c7cc77d3-f798-4604-9eb3-f0d909615ad1 (v.14) Warp to Asteroid Belt by index (v.14) Public Yes
1 edc42e0d-b171-45b5-bd63-917efb03bf8b (v.31) Add+Get player from Watch List (v.31) Public Yes
1 2c3258ab-1e78-40d8-bb6d-a1f7bfd0119d (v.32) Launch all drones if less than (v.32) Public Yes
1 9e96e752-add3-4569-a477-c4ffc1676296 (v.12) Inventory open hangar by name (v.12) Public Yes
1 6d256c2d-3193-402b-9aea-1a4a20a9fbfe (v.10) Repair Watchlist Ships (v.10) Public Yes
1 cf8720ad-f123-4782-9feb-86a562c4fed5 (v.36) Return all damaged drones (v.36) Public Yes
1 96aebba2-c1c6-42f5-8bc0-1a4b023837de (v.23) Return all Drones (Hotkey) (v.23) Public Yes
1 c44042a3-2e2f-4ef0-bab1-23eb38ff6111 (v.32) Launch health drones if less than (v.32) Public Yes
1 8ecef54b-fc07-4329-8a46-10454d31a2ad (v.44) Repair ship (docked) (v.44) Public Yes
1 6d9c06d7-69ef-48ef-b8a0-d8335588fd55 (v.36) Overview - Get targets by Text + Range <color=red>DEPRECATED</color> (v.36) Public Yes
1 2456de64-3f7e-4b8b-a3fb-7433713e7668 (v.33) Overview - Lock target by Text in Range <color=red>DEPRECATED</color> (v.33) Public Yes
1 acbe4315-ec10-43d2-bd6e-03da11297a5d (v.98) Triggers Pack (v.98) Public Yes
1 4aab5760-aae8-456b-9d3a-cce52657931e (v.5) Validate Bookmarks Existance (v.5) Public Yes
1 0c6c6eaa-2846-44f6-9d46-64d4ad97ff43 (v.18) Dock / Warp to Bookmarks by name (v.18) Public Yes
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.ui (v.0)
Public No
1 4bbe34a2-f656-46c6-b9b4-81fad3ad0360 (v.0) Overview - Click on the first target (v.0) Public Yes
1 e97623fb-0a4c-4632-8718-5eca205f9834 (v.4) Integer More (flow) (v.4) Public No
1 0dcfb033-d2b2-4bd1-bd54-889aa0675b19 (v.1) Message Alert If Windows Stack is detected (v.1) Public No
1 addc3ac7-d16c-41ee-b771-112a34d2883e (v.7) Overview - Approach first target (v.7) Public Yes
1 955ab941-c988-449e-a573-6433bd4bff93 (v.13) Module - Kill Everything (v.13) Public Yes