NULLSEC LOWSEC HIGHSEC SOLO Ratting with any Sub Capital Ships. - shoot small NPC ships first - orbiting random NPC ship - use drones for killing NPC - awaiting drones before warp - save drones by returning them into drone bay when they are damaged - save your ship by going home when neutral is detected. - repair your ship at station - sound notification about important actions - closing all apeared dialog windows such as "Fleet Join" and other - docking if no anomalies to warp Required 1. Overview with filtered only NPCs sorted by Distance 2. Local chat opened (for neutral detection) 3. Passive slots should be hidden Required shortcuts ALT+P - open Probe Scanner window CTRL+R - reload guns SHIFT+R - return drones to bay F - drones attack PROPERTIES Station Path - path to your station/structure destination. Neutral Check - if ON bot automaticly goes home if neutral detected in local chat, and stay in station until the neutral is gone. Await Drones - option to awaiting your drones before warp. Await Drones Duration - duration in milliseconds for awaiting drones before warp. Drones Count - amount of drones which you can launch in space. Shield Limit - Limit of ship shield until warp to Home [0-100] Armor Limit - Limit of ship armor until warp to Home [0-100] Structure Limit - Limit of ship structure until warp to Home [0-100] Anomaly Group - group of anomalies to warp, in general should be "Combat Site" until you need to kill NPCs at other anomalies. Lock Targets - amount of max possible locked targets. Time Limit - limit of node execution time in millisecods. After reaching the limit, bot will automaticly dock and turn itself off. One hour contains 3600000 milliseconds.
Name | Type | Default | |
Station Path | String | |
The path to you station/structure in the context menu. Ex: "Stations/STATIONNAME" (without brackets) Ex 2: "Structures/STRUCTURENAME" (without brackets) |
Neutral Check | Bool | |
Check for any neutrals. If the property is activated, bot runs away when neutral detected. Neutral should be visible in local chat. If you have a lot people in local chat and neutrals is out of the screen - it won't work. |
Await Drones | Bool | True |
Awaiting your drones before warp |
Await Drones Duration (ms) | Integer | 7000 |
Drones Count | Integer | 2 |
Maximum amount of drones you can launch in space |
Shield Limit | Integer | 50 |
If shield of you ship is lower then the value - run away. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 |
Armor Limit | Integer | 100 |
If armor of you ship is lower then the value - run away. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 |
Structure Limit | Integer | 100 |
If structure of you ship is lower then the value - run away. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 |
Lock Targets | Integer | 4 |
Amount of targets to lock. Bot always trying to have this amount of locked targets for each moment of time. Locks only red enemies (NPCs) |
Anomaly Group | String | Combat Site |
Group of anomalies to warp on |
Time Limit | Integer | 43200000 |
If you need to run the bot a limited time, this is an option for that. Time should be in milliseconds (3600000 milliseconds = 1 hour). If you need to execute the bot just for a 3 hours the value should be 10800000 (this is equals to 3600000 * 3) |
Run low slots | Integer | |
Запуск лоу слотов по тригеру |
RUN_low_slot_armor_limit | Integer | |
Пауза после зачистки на трактор | Integer | |
No outputs
Information | |
Author | Toxy |
ID | df090014-627d-41d4-bf69-3e0c626eff83 |
Version | |
Pro | Yes |
Status | Public - visible for everyone |
Downloads | 52 |
Download |
./EVE-Master node download df090014-627d-41d4-bf69-3e0c626eff83
Create PlayConfig |
./EVE-Master playconfig create BOTfarmAnomalieslocupbutt df090014-627d-41d4-bf69-3e0c626eff83
Play |
./EVE-Master playconfig play BOTfarmAnomalieslocupbutt