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  • BOT Fleet Member - Warrior Support (test script please ignore)

REQUIRED: to be in fleet tweaked specifically to take acceleration gates automatically. FEATURES [DONE] Execute received broadcast commands [DONE] Use drones for attacking target as an option [DONE] Return damaged drones for saving them alive [DONE] Use high slots for attacking target [DONE] Always activate medium slots as an option [DONE] Always activate low slots as an option [DONE] Undock ship if movement command received BROADCASTS COMMANDS - Warp To - Align - Travel to - set destination and go to the location and dock if possible - Is at location - warp to the position - Needs backup - align to and warp to the fleet member - Hold position - stop ship movement - Target - lock broadcasted target and kill it

Name Type Default

Name of Fleet Commander. In the common case it is your main character. Bot will follow this character.

Use drones for a fights?

Maximum amount of drones which you can launch into space

Slots which should be always active. Ex: HightSlot1,HighSlot2 Take slot name and number from your fit window

Slots which should be always active. Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2 Take slot name and number from your fit window

Slots which should be always active. Ex: MediumSlot1,MediumSlot2 Take slot name and number from your fit window

Overview tab that contains just targets to kill. If no active command to execute, bot will kill everything in this overview tab. Leave it empty to disable. Should be in separated window.

Don't forget to setup in the game the default orbit distance. Bot will use that distance to orbit a hostile target.

Run to a save spot if neutral detected in current system.

List of neutrals to ignore. Need to add yourself at least. To add multiple characters use comma for separate them.

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Run away if less. Value should be in range between 0 and 100 (-1 to completely ignore)

Amount of targets to lock. Needed only when "Overview Tab - Kill All" is not empty.

Lock range of your ship. Ex: 30000 Ex: 30 km Ex: 30000 m

No outputs

ID 8718f879-e581-47ba-b664-b3ca2b27f029
Pro Yes
Status Public - visible for everyone
Downloads 4
./EVE-Master node download 8718f879-e581-47ba-b664-b3ca2b27f029
Create PlayConfig
./EVE-Master playconfig create BOTFleetMemberWarriorSupporttestscriptpleaseignore 8718f879-e581-47ba-b664-b3ca2b27f029
./EVE-Master playconfig play BOTFleetMemberWarriorSupporttestscriptpleaseignore

Internal nodes - 41

Count Node ID (version) Node Title (version) Status Pro
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public No
7 764167b3-04c8-42ce-a9e5-f27110bc58ce (v.11) Is ship indicator contains (v.11) Public No
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public No
5 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.2) Message Alert Last Error (v.2) Public No
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public No
root.delay (v.0)
root.delay (v.0)
Public No
3 c4de2fac-3564-4074-8952-8c5c4e320503 (v.14) Wait while ship indicator (v.14) Public Yes
3 96aebba2-c1c6-42f5-8bc0-1a4b023837de (v.23) Return all Drones (Hotkey) (v.23) Public Yes
root.message.alert (v.0)
root.message.alert (v.0)
Public No
root.delay.random (v.0)
root.delay.random (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public No
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public No
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
Public No
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
Public No
root.voice.async (v.0)
root.voice.async (v.0)
Public No
root.mouse.click (v.0)
root.mouse.click (v.0)
Public Yes
root.ui.tree.get.data (v.0)
root.ui.tree.get.data (v.0)
Public No
1 0dcfb033-d2b2-4bd1-bd54-889aa0675b19 (v.1) Message Alert If Windows Stack is detected (v.1) Public No
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.array.ui (v.0)
Public No
1 cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.4) Is Docked (v.4) Public No
root.message (v.0)
root.message (v.0)
Public No
1 6ea051a2-675c-4dad-b97f-d922aac85b3c (v.5) UI.Find InBar Targets (v.5) Public No
1 e97623fb-0a4c-4632-8718-5eca205f9834 (v.4) Integer More (flow) (v.4) Public No
1 a0202498-4b1e-4f6c-93ac-1e39b413fd24 (v.2) String Empty (flow) (v.2) Public No
1 d73f75ad-e4cf-4b3f-a427-869e7f63a4b1 (v.19) Warp to random Moon or Planet (v.19) Public Yes
1 8c93e571-12ab-44b2-a2f3-b28a08eda8cf (v.17) Overview - Orbiting random target (v.17) Public Yes
1 623ad130-f7c7-4f55-b6fa-1c8454d2e2ed (v.11) Deactivate slots by name (v.11) Public Yes
1 4f770117-d13b-440d-9669-cb009600b8ab (v.13) Activate slots by name (v.13) Public Yes
1 adc2dcb7-0f77-45fe-ab50-64b13006a7bb (v.3) Module - Open Fire to Locked target (v.3) Public Yes
1 e8e72736-0c06-49fb-a0a4-75b145ca716b (v.40) Click context menu item (by name) (v.40) Public Yes
1 7035b2d3-90c3-49c8-9bd8-220f6e2c2101 (v.37) Click Context Menu Path (v.37) Public Yes
1 edc42e0d-b171-45b5-bd63-917efb03bf8b (v.31) Add+Get player from Watch List (v.31) Public Yes
1 2c3258ab-1e78-40d8-bb6d-a1f7bfd0119d (v.32) Launch all drones if less than (v.32) Public Yes
1 cf8720ad-f123-4782-9feb-86a562c4fed5 (v.36) Return all damaged drones (v.36) Public Yes
1 248fd331-110e-4a13-ad7e-1616383f9ced (v.75) <color=red><b>BOT</b></color> Fleet Member - Execute Commands (v.75) Public Yes
1 955ab941-c988-449e-a573-6433bd4bff93 (v.8) Module - Kill Everything (v.8) Public Yes
1 acbe4315-ec10-43d2-bd6e-03da11297a5d (v.93) Triggers Pack (v.93) Public Yes
1 1a44751b-422c-4faf-bc39-5fb0b11bb3d4 (v.3) ABYSS: Dock/Jump/Activate overview item by name (v.3) Public Yes
1 d10df451-7133-4da5-8a0b-a66c13b9b985 (v.16) Is Acceleration gate in range (v.16) Public Yes