Warp Within N km to random Anomaly filtered by substring
Name | Type | Default | |
Try until success | Bool | false |
Rescan | Bool | true |
Substrings | String | Combat Site |
Within N km | Integer | 0 |
0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70 or 100 - distance in km |
Activate slots | String | |
Deactivate slots | String | |
Delay before slots deactivation (ms) | Integer | 2500 |
No outputs
Information | |
Author | Master |
ID | 3adb22fa-5ff5-4225-8eb9-91d326bd0855 |
Version | |
Pro | Yes |
Status | Public - visible for everyone |
Downloads | 4132 |
Download |
./EVE-Master node download 3adb22fa-5ff5-4225-8eb9-91d326bd0855
Create PlayConfig |
./EVE-Master playconfig create WarpWithinNkmtorandomAnomalyfilteredbysubstring 3adb22fa-5ff5-4225-8eb9-91d326bd0855
Play |
./EVE-Master playconfig play WarpWithinNkmtorandomAnomalyfilteredbysubstring
Internal nodes - 34
Count | Node ID (version) | Node Title (version) | Status | Pro |
3 |
root.flow.split (v.0)
root.flow.split (v.0)
Public | No |
3 |
root.exit.error (v.0)
root.exit.error (v.0)
Public | No |
3 |
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.integer (v.0)
Public | No |
3 |
root.message (v.0)
root.message (v.0)
Public | No |
3 |
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.string (v.0)
Public | No |
3 | 3a35287d-784c-4970-aa04-81a6682f3a58 (v.2) | Message Alert Last Error (v.2) | Public | No |
2 |
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
root.variable.local.get.bool (v.0)
Public | No |
2 |
root.exit.last.error (v.0)
root.exit.last.error (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.start (v.0)
root.start (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.exit.success (v.0)
root.exit.success (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.math.bigint.minus (v.0)
root.math.bigint.minus (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
root.math.bigint.random (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
root.array.length.uitreenode (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.mouse.click (v.0)
root.mouse.click (v.0)
Public | Yes |
1 |
root.ui.tree.node.array.at.index (v.0)
root.ui.tree.node.array.at.index (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.delay.random (v.0)
root.delay.random (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
root.math.bigint.more (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
root.math.string.concat3 (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
root.math.bigint.to.string (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.delay (v.0)
root.delay (v.0)
Public | No |
1 | d0b615c6-34ff-4138-ac67-91ef5554518a (v.0) | String Is Not Empty (v.0) | Public | No |
1 |
root.math.string.trim (v.0)
root.math.string.trim (v.0)
Public | No |
1 | 193346f4-1a64-4406-bf19-c24ddb886676 (v.0) | String Contains (flow) (v.0) | Public | No |
1 | 4f770117-d13b-440d-9669-cb009600b8ab (v.6) | Activate slots by name (v.6) | Public | Yes |
1 | 623ad130-f7c7-4f55-b6fa-1c8454d2e2ed (v.5) | Deactivate slots by name (v.5) | Public | Yes |
1 |
root.exit.error.get.last.message (v.0)
root.exit.error.get.last.message (v.0)
Public | No |
1 |
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
root.variable.local.set.integer (v.0)
Public | No |
1 | e7e7b5cc-a689-4e62-b51a-b5520c11ef8e (v.0) | Integer Less or equal (flow) (v.0) | Public | No |
1 |
root.message.alert (v.0)
root.message.alert (v.0)
Public | No |
1 | cc8c4ebf-0d71-4136-b44a-fb016bbe0aa9 (v.3) | Is Docked (v.3) | Public | No |
1 | 10ddf999-fde8-4a9e-9ccf-e8b39badf964 (v.6) | Get UI Array of anomalies by Text (v.6) | Public | No |
1 | f1111cd5-c2d0-4ff7-8c68-be3900edf491 (v.11) | UI.Find Context Menu Item by name (v.11) | Public | No |
1 |
root.ui.tree.get.data (v.0)
root.ui.tree.get.data (v.0)
Public | No |
1 | 7035b2d3-90c3-49c8-9bd8-220f6e2c2101 (v.29) | Click Context Menu Path (v.29) | Public | Yes |